Mr Andrew SymesMBBS BSc MRCS MD(Res) FRCS(Urol)
Kidneys and Ureters
The Bladder and Urethra
Male Reproductive System


My name is Andy Symes and I am a Consultant Urological Surgeon practicing in general adult urology and specializing in the medical and surgical management of urinary tract stone disease. My work ethic is to provide a professional service in a caring environment, by offering the most up to date and best evidenced tests and treatments. I work closely with a dedicated team of nurses, radiologists and pathologists.

Over the past 10-20 years there has been a large increase in many urological diseases including for example kidney stones and prostate cancer. The diagnosis and treatment of many of these conditions has changed dramatically recently with better, and less invasive, tests and treatments available. I hope you will find the information on this website useful, and encourage you to contact me if you would like further information or to make an appointment.